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J.S. Bach - Flute Sonata in E minor IV. Allegro BWV 1034 (Z. Tarpagos, V. Charitidou)
thenorthfacezt332 views
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Transcription Ensemble - W.A. Mozart, Symphony No. 40 (trsc. J.N. Hummel)
thenorthfacezt679 views
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Beethoven Symphony No. 9 - Armonia Atenea, G. Petrou
thenorthfacezt9K views
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W. A. Mozart - Concerti (violin, bassoon, flute & harp) / Armonia Atenea, M. Chryssicos
thenorthfacezt932 views
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Appalachian Spring I Άνοιξη στα Απαλάχια I GNO online festival
thenorthfacezt219 views
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The passage to Spring | Το πέρασμα στην άνοιξη | GNO online festival |
thenorthfacezt179 views
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G. Bizet/ F. Borne, Carmen Fantasy for flute and orchestra, Z. Tarpagos, Fukushima Youth Sinfonietta
thenorthfacezt716 views
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G. Balatsinos - Funeral Music, for alto flute (Z. Tarpagos)
thenorthfacezt1.1K views
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G. Balatsinos - Aphorismus II, for flute (Z. Tarpagos)
thenorthfacezt458 views
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Ana Chifu, Zach Tarpagos, 2 flutes
Playlistthenorthfacezt401 views