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The Great Gamble(U.S.) "Legends of the Symmetria" taken from"Book One" debut album (2012)
fateswar19144 views
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EQUAL VECTOR (GR) - Chronicle and a Presence (taken from S/T 3-Track demo (2004)
fateswar19126 views
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Redemption-The Real thing (Faith No More Cover/Brazilian release bonus track 2005)
fateswar191.1K views
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Feetless Hands (Ger.) "Fearful Faces" Taken from "Feetless hands" S/T debut album (1996)
fateswar19248 views
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LAST CHAPTER (U.S) "In Time" taken from "Paths to Always" Album 2002
fateswar19177 views
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Sacred Dawn (US)"Asmodeus" - Taken from "Gears of the Machine:A New beginning" Album (2008)
fateswar19385 views
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HADES (US) 'The Me That Might have Been' Bonus Taken fr. 'IF At First You Don't Succeed" Reiss. 2011
fateswar19311 views
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Medieval Steel (U.S) "Stranger In Time" Taken from "Dark Castle" Album 2013
fateswar19570 views
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Voivod (Can.) "Sonic Mycelium" Taken from "The Wake"Album 2018
fateswar19758 views
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SACRED DAWN ( U.S) "What you did to me" taken from "A Madness Within" Album 2011
fateswar19280 views
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European progressive-power-heavy metal
Playlistfateswar19257 views
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Australian progressive-power metal
Playlistfateswar1935 views
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US progressive-power-doom etc. metal
Playlistfateswar19546 views
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My personal endeavors
Playlistfateswar1988 views
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Fates Warning & artist-related
Playlistfateswar1966 views