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Vodka Stinger
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Vodka Stinger: Miss Otis Regrets (with The Martha Rayes)
Vodka Stinger408 views
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Vodka Stinger - Adelaide's Lament (with The Martha Rayes)
Vodka Stinger561 views
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Vodka Stinger - Delta Dawn (with The Martha Rayes)
Vodka Stinger383 views
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Kay Thompson's Myrtle of Sheepshead Bay by Vodka Stinger and The Martha Rayes
Vodka Stinger863 views
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Miss Vodka Stinger Sings Dorothy Loudon's Supper on the Table at 6 O'Clock
Vodka Stinger631 views
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Miss Vodka Stinger sings Easy Street (I Wanna Live On)
Vodka Stinger419 views
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Miss Vodka Stinger and The Martha Rayes - I Happen to Like New York by Cole Porter
Vodka Stinger176 views
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Miss Vodka Stinger sings "My Ship" by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin
Vodka Stinger182 views
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The Ladies Who Lunch by Miss Vodka Stinger
Vodka Stinger2.6K views
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NYC Nightclub/Cabaret Vids
PlaylistVodka Stinger2 views