Christoph Graupner - Ouverture in D major GWV 414 - Les Muffatti
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Telemann: La Bizarre - Les Muffatti
J.S. Bach - Concertos for organ and strings - Bart Jacobs & Les Muffatti
Wind in the reeds - teaser
Leonardo Leo - Sant'Elena al Calvario (Ouverture)
Ino (fragment) - G.P. Telemann - Hasnaa Bennani & Les Muffatti
Bach - Organ Concerto D minor - Bart Jacobs & Les Muffatti
Pieter van Maldere - Symphony 15 in G minor (VR 42) - Les Muffatti
In turbato mare irato - Alleluia - Hasnaa Bennani & Les Muffatti
Niccolò Jommelli - Didone abbandonata - cantata for soprano, strings and bc.