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Chopin Institute
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Polish violin concertos by Yaniewicz and Duranowski | Chouchanne Siranossian with {oh!} Orchestra
Chopin Institute1.7K views
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Chopin i jego Europa okiem Wojtka Grzędzińskiego | In the Eye and Lens of Wojtek Grzędziński
Chopin Institute1.7K views
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Chopin i jego Europa. 20-lecie Festiwalu | Chopin and his Europe. 20 Years of the Festival
Chopin Institute2.7K views
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Wanda i Józef Gosławscy: Sztuka życia | The Art of Life
Chopin Institute1.9K views
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20th 'Chopin and his Europe' Festival coming soon!
Chopin Institute5.1K views
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15. Dzień Dziecka w Żelazowej Woli | 15th Children's Day in Żelazowa Wola
Chopin Institute2.1K views
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Chopin i jego Europa 2024 | Chopin and his Europe 2024
Chopin Institute12K views
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Uroczystość nadania tytułu doktora honoris causa profesor Irenie Poniatowskiej
Chopin Institute1.8K views
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"Wspomnienia o Chopinie" | ‘Reminiscences about Chopin’
Chopin Institute2.9K views
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ERIC GUO – 1st Prize Winner of the 2nd Chopin Competition on Period Instruments (2023)
PlaylistChopin Institute14K views
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Upcoming concerts | Nadchodzące koncerty
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BRUCE (XIAOYU) LIU – 1st Prize Winner of the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition (2021)
PlaylistChopin Institute602K views
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The 18th Chopin Competition (third round)
PlaylistChopin Institute147K views
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AIMI KOBAYASHI – 4rd Prize Winner (ex aequo) of the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition (2021)
PlaylistChopin Institute133K views
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ALEXANDER GADJIEV – 2nd Prize Winner (ex aequo) of the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition (2021)
PlaylistChopin Institute136K views
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The 18th Chopin Competition (final round)
PlaylistChopin Institute317K views