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A Little Brains, A Little Talent – Caroline O'Connor (DAMN YANKEES)
Continued Next Week387 views
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It Never Entered My Mind – Dolores Gray (HIGHER AND HIGHER)
Continued Next Week267 views
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One Man Ain't Quite Enough – Tonya Pinkins (HOUSE OF FLOWERS)
Continued Next Week221 views
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The Light in the Piazza – Celia Keenan-Bolger (THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA)
Continued Next Week589 views
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What Would I Do?/Finale – Michael Rupert, Stephen Bogardus, Chip Zien (FALSETTOS)
Continued Next Week564 views
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This Is the Day – Madeline Kahn (ON THE TWENTIETH CENTURY)
Continued Next Week744 views
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I've Got You Under My Skin – Ann Miller, Terence Monk (PANAMA HATTIE)
Continued Next Week230 views
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I Got a Song – Everett Bradley, Todd Hunter, Jubilant Sykes (BLOOMER GIRL)
Continued Next Week136 views
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