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Kristine West
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En Skröna - folkish composition on solo recorder by Kristine West
Kristine West1K views
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LIVE - Prelude in E major by J.S. Bach on Nyckelharpa and Recorder
Kristine West2.5K views
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"Storm från Norr till West" - Kristine West playing Torbjörn Näsbom
Kristine West1.8K views
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West/Rydvall/Möller - Bach Medley
Kristine West2.1K views
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Wachet auf (J.S. Bach/A. Möller) - Älvdalskoral
Kristine West2.4K views
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Vivaldi Concerto Op 3:8 2nd movement - Kristine West, Erik Rydvall & Drottningholm Baroque Ensemble
Kristine West2.4K views
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Concerto Op 3:8 Vivaldi 3rd movement- Kristine West, Erik Rydvall & Drottningholm Barockensemble
Kristine West2.8K views
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Vatten - Torbjörn Näsbom, arr Andreas Aarflot
Kristine West1.1K views
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Vivaldi RV 443 with Gävle Symhony Orchestra
PlaylistKristine West127 views