【CUT11】Lei Jia delivers a heartfelt rendition of the finale with "Jasmine Flower." Foucus Henan TV • 20 views
【CUT10】As the Eastern sun rises slowly, the phoenix spreads its wings and dances across the heavens! Foucus Henan TV • 11 views
【CUT9】With the melodious sounds of the xiao and the majestic arrival of the phoenix. Foucus Henan TV • 40 views
【CUT8】The joys and sorrows of life are akin to the moon's waxing and waning. Foucus Henan TV • 8 views
【CUT7】With resilience and vigor, Xiao Xiangyu passionately performs a selection from "Mulan." Foucus Henan TV • 14 views
【CUT5】Though time marches on and the years slip by, the unwavering love of parents for their kids Foucus Henan TV • 17 views
【CUT2】#LuoWenbo "Guardian Warriors of Longmen" with ethereal grace and flowing skirts. Foucus Henan TV • 15 views
【CUT1】In a delightful collaboration with the Huaxia Ancient Music Orchestra Foucus Henan TV • 36 views
【Curtain Call】" Auspicious Chinese New Year of the Snake"#Acrobatics feast is brilliant. Foucus Henan TV • 123 views
Du Fu-In the Middle of Heaven and Earth is My Hometown《天地之中是吾乡-杜甫》 Playlist • Foucus Henan TV • 42 views