Ezadie Robinson - Barrel House Man- 1926
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Elzadie Robinson - Sawmill Blues - 1926
Charlie Barnet and his Orchestra - One Night Stand 298 [AFRS radio show] - c.1944
Herb Weidoeft's [Wiedoeft] Famouis Orchestra - Persian Nights - 1922
Herb Weidoeft's [Wiedoeft] Famouis Orchestra - Virginia Blues - 1922
Herman Waldman and his Orchestra - Got No Honey - 1931
Herman Waldman and his Orchestra - Lazy River - 1931
Bessie Coldiron - What's the Use of Crying - 1926
Bessie Coldiron - She's a Cornfed Indiana Girl - 1926
Carl T. Sprague - The Club Meeting - 1925
Music from Early Television