Gobbi and Lollobrigida in Pagliacci
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Mario Lanza sings "E lucevan le stelle" (Tosca) and "Someday" (The Vagabond King)
Hans Knappertsbusch in Great Conductors of the Third Reich, Beethoven, Finale of the Ninth Symphony
Del Monaco in Andrea Chenier, "Improvviso"
Grace Moore in Louise, "Depuis le jour"
Tancredi Pasero in the film Rossini, "La calunnia"
Gigli in the film Ave Maria, La traviata, denunciation scene
Beniamimo Gigli, "Non ti scordar di me" third version in the film of that name
Joseph Schmidt in A Star Fell From Heaven, "Una furtiva lagrima"
Valletti, Taddei, L'elisir d'amore, "Quanto e' bella"