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Rafael Arques
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quizás, quizás, quizás - cello guitar cover
Rafael Arques360 views
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Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen - Fingerstyle Guitar Cover
Rafael Arques321 views
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Game of Thrones - Main Theme - (guitar cover fingerstyle) + guitar tab and sheet music
Rafael Arques3.4K views
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Trem Das Onze de Adoniran Barborsa - (cover guitar fingered style) + Tab and Sheet Music
Rafael Arques56K views
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Lonesome Polecat - 7 Brothers for 7 Brides - (cover solo guitar finger style)
Rafael Arques11K views
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Mama África - Chico Cesar (solo guitar cover - versão violão)
Rafael Arques29K views
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Asa Branca, Sabiá, Xote das meninas - Luiz Gonzaga - cover solo guitar (Versão só violão)
Rafael Arques59K views
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Chiquitita Abba - cover solo guitar + Tab and Sheet Music
Rafael Arques89K views
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I will survive - Gloria Gaynor - Cover solo guitar fingerstyle
Rafael Arques35K views