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Harold Rosenbaum
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Somewhere out There — Micangelo Ferrante - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum117 views
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Lux Aeterna — Miles Walter - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum138 views
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All That is Solid — Sofia Jen Ouyang - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum89 views
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Whirlpool — Matthew Schultheis - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum75 views
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∫b; loss - Σ — Elliot Roman - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum117 views
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Between the Leaves — Anna-Louise Walton - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum47 views
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Hymnī Horatiī — Amelia Brey - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum62 views
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Lady Musick Speaketh — Elizabeth Gartman - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum93 views
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Géata Léode — Grant Luhmann - The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum45 views
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Travelling — Lauren Vandervelden The New York Virtuoso Singers Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor
Harold Rosenbaum146 views