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Patrizia Kwella
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The Beggar's Opera
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Händel: Núria Rial, Philippe Jaroussky
verkligen299K views
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Händel - Alceste Comus "There sweetest flowers of mingled hue"
T Safsoy2.1K views
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John Gay: The Beggar's Opera. Air XVI: Over the Hills & Far Away
AntPDC7.4K views
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Handel: La resurrezione / Haïm · Karg · Prina · Berliner Philharmoniker
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10 - JS Bach Magnificat - Suscepit Israel - Alto
Choirparts15K views
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Suscepit Israel - Bach - Magnificat - Harnoncourt
Mythe & Opéra22K views
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2. Et exultavit spiritus meus (Magnificat - BACH) Vocal Score
Jerri Gilliam1.9K views
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TWELFTH NIGHT // Overture and 'Fermati!' from Aminta e Fillide by Handel
Twelfth Night567 views
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Handel, Aminta e Fillide: Aria "Al dispetto di sorte crudele" by Lauren Snouffer and Ars Lyrica
Ars Lyrica Houston687 views