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SweetSue - Swing Brothers
Himsan120 views
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"Potato Head Blues" - Vintage Jazz Big Band
Himsan2K views
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"My Mother's Eyes" - Dixie For You
Himsan2.3K views
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"Polka Dots and Moonbeams" - Skoogzsällskapet
Himsan617 views
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"Black and Blue" - Peter Nydahl Trio
Himsan1K views
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"Wolverine Blues" - Peter Nydahl Trio
Himsan680 views
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"Tulip Or Turnip" - Swing Brothers
Himsan1.4K views
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"How High the Moon" - Lars Erstrand & the Swing Brothers
Himsan29K views
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"Puggles" - Bob Wilber, Lars Erstrand, Swing Brothers
Himsan1.5K views
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"Swing Brother Swing!" - Swing Brothers
Himsan3.8K views
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Bob Wilber - Lars Erstrand - Swing Brothers
PlaylistHimsan394 views
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Swing Brothers
PlaylistHimsan121 views
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Riksfinal Klassisk Jazz 2012
PlaylistHimsan57 views