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Bernarda Fink
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Bach: Solo Cantatas, BWV 35, 169, 170
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Mahler: Lieder
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Schumann: Lieder
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J.S. Bach: Cantatas for Alto
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Berlioz: Nuits d'été, Ravel: Shéhérazade
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Haydn: Symphonies No. 91 & 92 "Oxford" & Scena di Berenice
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Mahler: Symphony No. 2 in C Minor "Resurrection" (Live)
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Schubert, Schumann, Brahms & Wagner: Rheinmädchen
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Dvorak: Lieder
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Canciones españolas
Videos See All
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Pierre Mosnier - Axelle Saint Cirel - Orchestre Colonne- Schubert Die Junge Nonne
Pierre Mosnier1.1K views
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Bach Manuscript - Matthaeus Passion - 39
NaAnCaSe11K views
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Philippe Jaroussky ."Cara speme, questo core" by G.-F. Händel.
JaRoWi16806.9K views
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G. Mahler - Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen - Aleksandra Świgut
Aleksandra Swigut5.6K views
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Die junge Nonne - Accompaniment F minor - Schubert
Sing with Me 4.7K views
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Handel - O death, where is thy sting? but thanks be to God - Ensemble Telemann - Rafik Matta
crumhorn7052.6K views
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Bach Manuscript - Matthaeus Passion - 27
NaAnCaSe4.3K views
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A. Dvořák - Dyby byla kosa nabróšená (Le Coeur offensé) ; Genia Kuhmeier & Bernarda Fink
Tout Est Musique14K views
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Presenting Schubert
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