A padlás Fényév távolság Kaszás Attila
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Kodály Zoltán Háry János Toborzó 1926 Rendező Szinetár Miklós 1965
Katona József Erkel Ferenc Bánk bán Hazám hazám
Andrew Lloyd Webber The Phantom of the Opera
Around the world in eight traditional and folk dances Spain Flamenco
Around the world in eight traditional and folk dances Russia Barynya
Around the world in eight traditional and folk dances Italy Tarantella
Around the world in eight traditional and folk dances Hungary Czardas
Around the world in eight traditional and folk dances Greece Syrtaki
Around the world in eight traditional and folk dances Brazil Samba
István a király (2008)
Klasszikus zene és Opera részlet