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John Goldsby
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Claude Bolling — "Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio" w/ Hubert Laws, John Goldsby, Jean Luc Dayan
John Goldsby545 views
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Three Short Stories for Contrabass & Piano—Mays/Goldsby
John Goldsby1.8K views
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Solar — Jazz Bass & Guitar Duo
John Goldsby18K views
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"Let It Snow" Jazz Quartet in ARD MorgenMagazin
John Goldsby3.7K views
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"O Tannenbaum" / "O Christmas Tree" Jazz Quartet in ARD MorgenMagazin
John Goldsby3.9K views
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Duncan, Goldsby, Tiemann, "Never Come Back To Me"
John Goldsby5.9K views
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Duncan, Goldsby, Tiemann play "Paparazzi" (Birdland - Neuburg, Germany)
John Goldsby4.3K views
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The John Goldsby Quartet — Blue Dahlia
John Goldsby6.6K views
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John Goldsby on Bass
PlaylistJohn Goldsby510 views
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Piano & Bass Duo Jazz
PlaylistJohn Goldsby22K views
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John Goldsby Albums
PlaylistJohn Goldsby225 views