APH Multilanguage: Bad Touch Trio - Know Who You Are [with ENG&FR trans]
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APH Multilanguage: Bad Touch Trio - Playing with the big boys [with EN&FR translations]
Multilanguage 光 Simple and Clean ~ Ray of Hope Mix [with EN&FR trans]
APH Multilanguage: For The First Time In Forever [ENG&FR Trans]
APH Multilanguage: BTT & Axis - Healing Incantation [EN&FR Trans]
APH Multilanguage: Bad Touch Trio - Go The Distance [EN&FR Trans]
APH Multilanguage: Yandere Trio - Be Prepared [EN&FR Trans]
APH Multilanguage: Bad Touch Trio - When you believe [EN&FR Trans]
Final Fantasy X - Hymn of the Faith [mashup]
APH Multilanguage: Tsundere Trio - I won't say (I'm in love) [EN&FR Trans]
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Final Fantasy music [remix, remake, remastered]
FFIV-V-VI ost [remixed, orchestral, whatever]
Final Fantasy OSTs in Latin
My Fav. Video Game Soundtracks
FFI-II-III ost [remix, orchestrated, whatever]
FFX-XI-XII ost [remixed, orchestral, whatever]
FFVII-VIII-IX ost [remixed, orchestral, whatever]
APH Multilanguage with Subtitles and Translation
FFXIV-FFT ost [remixed, orchestrated, whatever]
FFXIII-FFType-0-FFXV ost [remixed, orchestral, whatever]