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Darke: In the Bleak Midwinter
RhysScores1.4K views
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Bach: Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue BWV 903
RhysScores344 views
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rachmaninoff will break your heart...
RhysScores1.1K views
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Scriabin: 8 Etudes Op. 42
RhysScores355 views
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Bernstein: I Am Easily Assimilated (Candide)
RhysScores1K views
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Schumann: Selected Lieder
RhysScores587 views
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Wagner: Liebestod (Tristan und Isolde)
RhysScores679 views
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the most beautiful finale ever written...
RhysScores19K views
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Puccini: Che Gelida Manina (La Bohème)
RhysScores529 views
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Rachmaninoff/Kreisler: Liebesleid
RhysScores1.6K views