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Charles Daniels
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Harry Our King
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Rubbra, E.: String Quartet No. 2 / Amoretti / Ave Maria Gratia Plena / Piano Trio in 1 Movement
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Daniels, Charles / North, Nigel: Lute Songs
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Thomas Tomkins: Above the Starrs
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Ludwig Senfl: Im Maien
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Purcell Z 231 1 Magnificat Evening Service in G minor
G Gdinl1.2K views
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Purcell Z 231 2 Nunc dimittis Evening Service in G minor
G Gdinl818 views
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Astiterunt reges terrae - Victoria - Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short
Tenebrae Choir21K views
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Josquin des Prez, Ave Maria, Mabuse
Thomas Turner6.4K views
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J.S. Bach - Johannes-Passion - Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen
bran480579K views
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"I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live" - Anthems for the Chapel Royal (Purcell)
Les Arts Florissants4.3K views
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Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen - Dingle Yandell (Bass)
Dingle Yandell5.2K views
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Handel - O death, where is thy sting? but thanks be to God - Ensemble Telemann - Rafik Matta
crumhorn7052.6K views
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Schütz: O bone Jesu (471) - McCreesh
pannonia773.6K views
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