Then Shall the Righteous Shine Forth from Elijah, by Felix Mendelssohn, Piano Accompaniment. Pianist Friend for Singers • 255 views
O del mio dolce ardor (D Minor) by Christoph Willibald von Gluck, Piano Accompaniment Pianist Friend for Singers • 273 views
The People That Walked in Darkness (from Messiah) by George Frideric Handel, Piano Accompaniment Pianist Friend for Singers • 255 views
The Misty Morning/ утро туманное (A Minor) by Erast Ageyevich Abaza, Piano Accompaniment Pianist Friend for Singers • 169 views
Poor Wayfaring Stranger (F Minor), Arranged by Jay Althouse, Piano Accompaniment Pianist Friend for Singers • 550 views
Pur dicesti, o bocca bella (F Major), Antonio Lotti, Piano Accompaniment Pianist Friend for Singers • 135 views
Spirate, pur spirate (E-flat Major), Stefano Donaudy, Piano Accompaniment. Pianist Friend for Singers • 177 views
Preludios (E Minor-E Major), Manuel de Falla, Piano Accompaniment Pianist Friend for Singers • 303 views
O Mistress Mine (D Major), Roger Quilter, Piano Accompaniment. Pianist Friend for Singers • 332 views