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Children choir Istok
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М.Левандо, ст. С.Есенина, А.Блока Зима, вьюга
Children choir Istok288 views
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С.Екимов, ст. М.Лермонтова Птичка рая
Children choir Istok173 views
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В.Гноро, стихи Н.Гумилева "Первооткрыватели" из цикла для женского хора "Капитаны"
Children choir Istok213 views
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В.Фадеев Радуйтеся, праведнии, о Господе из Концерта для женского хора "Хвалите Господа с небес"
Children choir Istok101 views
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П. Динев Задостойник Пасхи "Ангел вопияше"
Children choir Istok538 views
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Music of composers from different countries of the 16th-18th centuries Музыка композиторов разных стран 16-18 веков
PlaylistChildren choir Istok19 views
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Русская светская музыка Russian secular music
PlaylistChildren choir Istok26 views
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Русская духовная музыка Russian spiritual music
PlaylistChildren choir Istok33 views
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Romantic music and music of the first half of the 20th century Романтическая музыка и музыка первой половины 20 века
PlaylistChildren choir Istok32 views
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Русские народные песни Russian folk songs
PlaylistChildren choir Istok10 views
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Folk songs of different countries Народные песни разных стран
PlaylistChildren choir Istok97 views
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Music by composers from different countries of the second half 20th and 21st centuries Музыка композиторов разных стран второй половины 20-21 веков.
PlaylistChildren choir Istok33 views