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The Greeners' Sound
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Five Days that Changed the World III & IV | 綠韻周年音樂會2023《念》
The Greeners' Sound111 views
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Daemon Irrepit Callidus | 綠韻周年音樂會2023《念》
The Greeners' Sound97 views
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A Dream Within A Dream | 綠韻周年音樂會2023《念》
The Greeners' Sound117 views
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If Music Be the Food of Love | 綠韻周年音樂會2023《念》
The Greeners' Sound144 views
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The Greeners' Sound Annual Concert 2022 - Gr’amour 綠璦
PlaylistThe Greeners' Sound816 views
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The Greeners' Sound Annual Concert 2018 - Love, Greeners 綠韻週年音樂會2018
PlaylistThe Greeners' Sound19K views
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The Greeners' Sound Annual Concert 2014 - Groove & Growth 周年音樂會2014 《韻動●綠揚 》
PlaylistThe Greeners' Sound4.9K views
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Summer Concert 2017: Fly! 2017夏季音樂會:綠.翔
PlaylistThe Greeners' Sound575 views
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衝出世界 2014 World Choir Games Pre-Tour Concert
PlaylistThe Greeners' Sound3K views
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The Greeners' Sound Annual Concert 2016: Green 綠韻2016週年音樂會:綠・嘗
PlaylistThe Greeners' Sound1.1K views
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The Greeners' Sound Annual Concert 2017 - Gratia 綠韻2017週年音樂會:頌
PlaylistThe Greeners' Sound2.9K views