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Paul's Deli
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Josh Homme & Brode Dalle - "Surrender" (Cheap Trick Cover)
Paul's Deli15K views
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Josh Homme - Cruel, Cruel World (ending song) "Red Dead Redemption 2 OST"
Paul's Deli26K views
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Masters of Reality - She got me (when she got her dress on) w/ Josh Homme
Paul's Deli437 views
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Masters of Reality - Deep in the Hole (2001) w/ Josh Homme
Paul's Deli9.4K views
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Queens of the Stone Age - Long Slow Goodbye (live) dedicated to Anthony Bourdain
Paul's Deli67K views
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Arbeitsplayliste Traunstein
PlaylistPaul's Deli2 views
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Spätschicht Waldkraiburg
PlaylistPaul's Deli3.2K views
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Best Live Music
PlaylistPaul's Deli97 views