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R.Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor op.129 / Jiwoong Chae /18yrs 채지웅
Chaecellos1K views
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Short encore….composed by Maria Theresia von Paradis - Sicilienne
Chaecellos676 views
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J. Brahms Cello Sonata No.2, in F major Op.99
Chaecellos4.1K views
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제 38회 예원학교 정기연주회 E. Lalo cello concerto in d minor mov.3 / 채지웅 Jiwoong Chae
Chaecellos14K views
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Weber adagio and rondo / Tae woong Chae (17y)
Chaecellos2K views
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Ji-woong chae cello / popper etude no.6
Chaecellos4.9K views
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Ji-woong chae cello / Paganini moses variations on one string
Chaecellos4.1K views
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Ji-woong chae / Rachmaninov vocalise, op. 34 no.14
Chaecellos1.3K views
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[금호영재콘서트] Edith piaf hymne a l'amour with thank you message 채지웅 첼로/Jiwoong Chae (13y)
Chaecellos5.5K views
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[금호영재콘서트] Niccolo Paganini Variations on a theme from `moses in egypt' MS23 채지웅 첼로/Jiwoong Chae(13y)
Chaecellos2.6K views