1 Sjö tilbrigði fyrir píanó og selló í Es-dúr Steinunn Birna Ragnarsdóttir, Bryndís Halla Gylf, & Ludwig van Beethoven
Nocturne Opus Posth, Number 20 | Chopin published by his death | piano by Agafya Korzun at 7 years SomeWhere Be • 1.2K views
Timothy Ridout and Frank Dupree: Benjamin Britten Lachrymae Young Classical Artists Trust • 13K views
김세준 Sejune Kim | B. Britten : Lachrymae for Viola and Piano, Op.48 더하우스콘서트 The House Concert • 1.5K views
Sunniva Skaug - Viola (17 years), end fragment of Lachrymae op.48a by Benjamin Britten Newport Virtuosi • 1.1K views