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The Rings of Power S2: What Need to Know About the Music
Monoverantus859 views
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Éomer's Last Stand (Music and Analysis)
Monoverantus906 views
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The Scouring of the Shire Suite (Music and Analysis)
Monoverantus872 views
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The Ambush at Sarn Gebir (Music and Analysis)
Monoverantus787 views
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The Pity of Gollum (Music and Analysis)
Monoverantus802 views
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The Mirrormere (Music and Analysis)
Monoverantus967 views
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Scoring the Unadapted LotR Scenes: The Mirrormere
Monoverantus1K views
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In Rode the Lord of the Nazgul (Music and Analysis)
Monoverantus1.4K views
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The Armies of Gondor Arrive (Music and Analysis)
Monoverantus1.3K views
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Andy Serkis Silmarillion Sample#2 Scored
Monoverantus3.4K views