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The Lion King - Circle of Life Music Video (O Rei Leão - Ciclo Sem Fim)
Panserbjorne112K views
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Quantas Cores o Vento Tem (Versão Pop) - Pocahontas [Disney Karaoke]
Panserbjorne1113K views
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A Minha Vida Vai Começar - Entrelaçados [Disney Karaoke]
Panserbjorne1125K views
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To The Fairies They Draw Near Part II - TinkerBell (EU Portuguese)
Panserbjorne118K views
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The Gospel Truth I - Hercules (EU Portuguese)
Panserbjorne16.2K views
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I Won't Say I'm In Love - Hercules OST (EU Portuguese)
Panserbjorne16.3K views
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Incantation - Tangled (EU Portuguese)
Panserbjorne110K views
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Mother Knows Best - Tangled (EU Portuguese)
Panserbjorne19.7K views
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When Will My Life Begin? - Tangled (EU Portuguese)
Panserbjorne198K views
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Stories - Beauty and the Beast: Enchanted Christmas (EU Portuguese)
Panserbjorne119K views
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O Rei Leão BSO - Banda Sonora Original
PlaylistPanserbjorne1285 views
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Canções Disney (Clips dos Filmes)
PlaylistPanserbjorne1182K views
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Banda Sonora em Português
PlaylistPanserbjorne139K views