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Creator of the Stars of Night - CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
jclarke5272.9K views
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E'en So Lord Jesus Quickly Come Paul Manz
jclarke5271.1K views
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On Jordan's Bank - WINCHESTER NEW
jclarke5272.1K views
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Psalm 72 - Justice Shall Flourish in His Time
jclarke5271.7K views
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Night of Silence and Silent Night (Stille Nacht)
jclarke5272.8K views
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Gesu Bambino - Pietro Yon
jclarke5271.3K views
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Of the Father's Love Begotten - DIVINUM MYSTERIUM
jclarke5271.9K views
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Away in a Manger - CRADLE SONG
jclarke5271.1K views
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Gesu Bambino - Pietro Yon
jclarke527869 views
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Of the Father's Love Begotten - DIVINUM MYSTERIUM
jclarke5272.4K views
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Advent Music Traditional
Playlistjclarke5271.7K views