Geez Mr Michinaga why do you get 3 theme music but they are kinda lit
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Onmyoji x MIKU Collab: 星降夜 (In-game recording)
Onmyoji x MIKU Collab: Roki (In-game recording)
Onmyoji x MIKU Collab: World is mine (In-game recording)
佑世之光 - Prologue (Amaterasu side)
Onmyoji idol project: GangstaR - Burn up! [Eng fansub]
Onmyoji is my favourite rhythm game
Tree of summer (夏日之树) Full ver. Eng fansub - [A useless Onmyoji family S3 ED song]
Taisha's holding out for a hero
[Broken hero CN] Official theme song of Asura and Taishakuten - ENG fansub