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SeoYoung Son 손서영
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Saint-Saëns Violin Concerto No.3 in B minor, Op.61 3rd mov. 손서영(10yrs)
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[M/V] F.Kreisler: Tambourin Chinois Op.3 , 중국의 북 (9yrs) 손서영 / Seoyoung Son
SeoYoung Son 손서영2.3K views
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N.Paganini La Campanella 파가니니, 라 캄파넬라 (9yrs) | 손서영 Seoyoung Son
SeoYoung Son 손서영1.1K views
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[M/V] Saint-Saëns Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Op.28 (9yrs) 손서영/ Seoyoung Son
SeoYoung Son 손서영1.5K views
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Saint-Saëns Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Op.28 (9yrs) 손서영/ Seoyoung Son
SeoYoung Son 손서영1.9K views