2 Smyth: Fête Galante - Now see! The blossom Charmian Bedford, Carolyn Dobbin, Alessandro Fisher, Simon Wallfisch, Odaline de la Martinez, and Lontano Ensemble
3 Ah, my Soul, why so dismayed The Choir of the AAM, Alastair Ross, Charmian Bedford & Richard Latham
4 Smyth: Fête Galante - Sir, we are not alone Charmian Bedford, Carolyn Dobbin, Alessandro Fisher, Steve Smith, Milos Milivojevic, Dominic Saunders, Odaline de la Martinez, and Lontano Ensemble
5 Above the Stars my Saviour dwells The Choir of the AAM, Philippa Hyde, Richard Egarr & Alastair Ross