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Philippe Sly
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Schubert Sessions: Lieder with Guitar
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In Dreams
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Love's Minstrels
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Rameau: Les Amants Trahis
Videos See All
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"Behold, I tell you a mystery...The trumpet shall sound", Philippe Sly
Philippe Sly894K views
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Auf dem Wasser zu singen Philippe Sly, John Charles Britton, Franz Schubert
Philippe Sly19K views
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Ständchen Philippe Sly, John Charles Britton, Franz Schubert
Philippe Sly8.6K views
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Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3 - Sorge infausta una procella - Philippe Sly
Philippe Sly40K views
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"Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen"- Gustav Mahler- Philippe Sly & Jordan De Souza
Philippe Sly149K views
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Wohin, Franz Schubert, Philippe Sly & Adam Cicchillitti
Philippe Sly151K views
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Non più andrai (Le Nozze di Figaro) - Philippe Sly
Philippe Sly56K views
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Vous qui faites l'endormie (Faust) - Philippe Sly
Philippe Sly33K views
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Philippe Sly, "Volez Partez..." Thétis, Jean-Philippe Rameau
Philippe Sly98K views
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