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Susanne Ansorg
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Triste plaisir (Guillaume Du Fay and Burgundian Music)
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Melodious Melancholye (The Sweet Sounds of Medival England)
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fro fro
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Miri it is while sumer ilast lyrics sub english + español
Julián del Barco3.1K views
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England - Anon. 1270: Ar ne kuth ich sorghe non
Retroactive37K views
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Gilles Binchois: Adieu, adieu, mon joileux souvenir
deadcalledpark53K views
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جديد | أغنية رائعة لالتراس ايمازيغن 2006 / Ultras Imazighen " A LA VIE A LA MORT " 2020
mov prod17K views