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Into the Winds
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Hal tusta'adu (anonyme Arabo-andalou) - Ensemble Into the Winds
Into the Winds638 views
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La saison en est (Loyset Compere) - Into the Winds
Into the Winds539 views
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Entre vous nouveaux mariés (Johannes Le Grant) - Into the Winds
Into the Winds1.2K views
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Aux portes des cités - Musiques des capitales européennes du XVe siècle
Into the Winds1.2K views
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“Bobik Blazen”, anonymous 15th century virelai – Ensemble Into the Winds
Into the Winds1.6K views
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La Brava (Vincenzo Ruffo) - Into the Winds
Into the Winds2.9K views
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A cheval, tout homme à cheval (Anonyme, XVème siècle) - Into the Winds
Into the Winds125K views
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Amours et souvenir de celle (Gilles Binchois) - Into the Winds
Into the Winds2.2K views
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Bien puist (Gilles Binchois) - Into the Winds
Into the Winds3.1K views
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Into the Winds / Promenades Musicales du Pays d'Auge (Juillet 2023)
Into the Winds1.3K views