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Jonathan Dove "Gloria" Missa Brevis. Transfiguration Choir of Men and Boys & Girls, Claudia Dumschat
acisproductions235 views
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Renée Anne Louprette: J.S. Bach "Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist" BWV 671, Craighead-Saunders Organ, NY
acisproductions160 views
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Michelangelo Galilei Suites for Lute, performed by Richard Kolb
acisproductions326 views
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Myths Contested: Trevor Weston, A New Song, First Movement
acisproductions157 views
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Myths Contested: J.S. Bach, The Contest between Phoebus and Pan, BWV 201: 1st Movement
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La sposa dei cantici, Alessandro Scarlatti (1660–1725), Ars Lyrica Houston, Matthew Dirst
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The Thirteen and Matthew Robertson perform Monteverdi's choral masterpiece, the epic Vespers of 1610
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The Layers: II. when the moon was covered, by Herschel Garfein, feat. Sophie Shao
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