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3 year old baby girl Dance. उम्रिन्दै तीन पात रे, नक्कलीको नक्कल नी :)
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Musical Instrumental from upcountry Nepal known as Sarangi with beautiful song
FalaichaTalkwithDhyan227 views
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Chamling Folk Song, Chamling is an Indigenous People of Nepal and their habitat is in eastern part o
FalaichaTalkwithDhyan4.5K views
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Indigenous Folk song of Nepal Sewa Sewaro Ashusen Lama and Bina Rai किराँती लोक गीत Indigenous
FalaichaTalkwithDhyan150 views
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Sad song that will make you cry Nepali Namuchhe Aama Dasani Ma Tika, Narakhe Jamara by Krishna Bhakt
FalaichaTalkwithDhyan2.5K views
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Dasain Aayo Tihar aayo timi kahile auchhau, Timi aune bato herdai baseko chhu Roee, Dasai song by Bi
FalaichaTalkwithDhyan1.2K views
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Nachau maya Teeja ko Bela, Baru aagan bhatkiye bhatkiye by Parbati Rana