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Heart Knows - Feathery Quartet, UMass Amherst, March 2019
lenabloch35 views
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Body And Soul - celebration of Lee Konitz' 95th Birthday, NYC
lenabloch221 views
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My Name Is Marina - song cycle to the poems by Marina Tsvetaeva in English
lenabloch404 views
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Lena Bloch & Feathery - November 10, 2021, Brooklyn
lenabloch481 views
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Promise Of Return Excerpt
lenabloch253 views
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BREATH - Michiyo Tanaka, Lena Bloch
lenabloch233 views
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Oblivion (Bud Powell) - Art Bloch (piano)
lenabloch218 views
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Stella By Starlight - Live in Holland, 1991 Hod O'Brien, Art Bloch
lenabloch136 views
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Lena Bloch, Michiyo Tanaka
lenabloch148 views
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Lena Bloch - Chris Forbes "Easy Living"
lenabloch287 views
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Lena Bloch & Feathery Live At The Falcon, March 8, 2020
Playlistlenabloch159 views
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Paul Bley - Lee Konitz 1990
Playlistlenabloch48 views
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Lena Bloch, Dan Tepfer, Dave Miller, Billy Mintz
Playlistlenabloch28 views
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Lena Bloch & Feathery live at Scholes Street Studio, April 22, 2018
Playlistlenabloch60 views
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Art Bloch (piano)
Playlistlenabloch121 views
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Playlistlenabloch108 views
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Harvey Diamond Quartet
Playlistlenabloch195 views
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Feathery Quartet iBeam March 23, 2016
Playlistlenabloch242 views
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Lena Bloch/Roberta Piket, The Drawing Room Brooklyn, February 2015
Playlistlenabloch708 views
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Heart Knows - Feathery (Bloch, Lossing, Brown, Mintz) 2017
Playlistlenabloch267 views