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Otar Taktakishvili: Sonata for Flute and Piano in C major
Nafrac795 views
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Antonin Dvorak: Slavonic Dance Op.72 No.2 in e minor
Nafrac170 views
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W.A. Mozart: Flute Sonate K.14 in C and Pryor: The Whistler and his Dog
Nafrac163 views
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Philippe Gaubert: Nocturne et allegro scherzando
Nafrac1.5K views
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Ouverture, Bourrée, Polonaise, and Badinerie from BWV1067
Nafrac239 views
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Jean Louis Tulou: Grand Solo No. 3, Op. 74
Nafrac22K views
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Paul Agricole Genin: Fantaisie avec Variations sur un Air Napolitain Op.8
Nafrac3.5K views
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C.Ph.E. Bach: Duet for Flute and Violin H.598
Nafrac74K views
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A. Vivaldi: Flute Concerto Op.10-3 "Il Cardellino"
Nafrac1.2K views
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Fantaisie pastorale hongroise, Op. 26
Nafrac205 views
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Beethoven SQ Op18-1&6
PlaylistNafrac28 views
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Mozart SQ Dissonanzen
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Beethoven Grosse Fuge
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Dvorak American
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Ferroud Trois Pieces
PlaylistNafrac117 views
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Bartok SQ
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Schubert SQ Death and Maiden
PlaylistNafrac1 track