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8% sped up Heroes of Might and Magic II soundtrack
GreatEmerald326 views
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Scenario Victory - HoMM2 MIDI music
GreatEmerald4.2K views
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Scenario Victory - Heroes of Might and Magic II & III music extended
GreatEmerald2.9K views
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Wizard town - HoMM2: The Price of Loyalty MIDI music
GreatEmerald4.3K views
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Barbarian (Warlock) town - HoMM2: The Price of Loyalty MIDI music
GreatEmerald3.1K views
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Knight town (Victory) - HoMM2: The Price of Loyalty MIDI music
GreatEmerald2.6K views
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Necromancer (Knight) town - HoMM2: The Price of Loyalty MIDI music
GreatEmerald3.4K views
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Warlock (Necromancer) town - HoMM2: The Price of Loyalty MIDI music
GreatEmerald2.6K views
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Sorceress town - HoMM2: The Price of Loyalty MIDI music
GreatEmerald2.8K views
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Knight town - HoMM2: The Succession Wars MIDI music
GreatEmerald2.6K views
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Heroes of Might and Magic II MIDI music
PlaylistGreatEmerald27K views
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Heroes of Might and Magic II music extended
PlaylistGreatEmerald36K views
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Heroes of Might and Magic I music extended
PlaylistGreatEmerald3.3K views
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Might and Magic V: Darkside of XEEN music
PlaylistGreatEmerald41K views
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Unreal II: The Awakening music
PlaylistGreatEmerald144K views
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Eastern and Little Nature Deity music
PlaylistGreatEmerald1.5K views
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Might and Magic I: Secret of the Inner Sanctum music
PlaylistGreatEmerald7.5K views
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Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer music
PlaylistGreatEmerald377 views