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Wera Worship
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Der Herr segne dich und behüte dich! // The Blessing
Wera Worship27 views
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Geist des Herrn, sei willkommen! // Come right now
Wera Worship11 views
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Славь Христа! / Slav' Christa!
Wera Worship57 views
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Кто я без Тебя // Kto ja bes Tebja
Wera Worship156 views
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Hа небесной перекличке // Na nebesnoj pereklichke // When the Roll is called up yonder
Wera Worship64 views
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Du verschenkst Dein Herz vollkommen // Pieces
Wera Worship162 views
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Bis die Mauern fall'n // Till the walls come down
Wera Worship170 views
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Du bist so gut zu mir // Good to me
Wera Worship117 views
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Du wirst nicht ruh'n, bis ich Dir ganz gehör // You won't relent
Wera Worship130 views
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Wera Anbetung RU // Поклонение
PlaylistWera Worship25 views
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Konferenzen Worship
PlaylistWera Worship56 views