Nightcore - Cinder ella / 灰かぶり ♫(Lyrics)
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Nightcore - I am, We are / 私は、私達は ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - Sirius's Heart / シリウスの心臓 ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - Kansyouyuurei / 感傷幽霊 ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - Utakata no Hi / 泡沫の灯 ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - Anata no yoru ga akeru made / あなたの夜が明けるまで ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - The day i became a star / 星になった日 ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - Farewell to the comet / 彗星よさらば ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - you are my curse ♫(Lyrics)
Nightcore - Uso o Tsuite / うそをついて ♫(Lyrics)