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Daniel Roberts
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Psalm 150 - O Praise God in His Holiness - sung to plainchant - Daniel Roberts | Organist
Daniel Roberts 95 views
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Psalm 146 - Praise The Lord, O My Soul - sung to plainchant - Daniel Roberts | Organist
Daniel Roberts 112 views
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Prelude in E minor - J.S. Bach BWV. 555 - Daniel Roberts | Organist
Daniel Roberts 144 views
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Menuet in C minor - J.S. Bach BWV Anh. 121 - Daniel Roberts | Pianist
Daniel Roberts 150 views
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Musette in D major - J.S. Bach BWV Anh. 126 - Daniel Roberts | Pianist
Daniel Roberts 596 views
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Applicatio in C major - J.S. Bach BWV 994 - Daniel Roberts | Pianist
Daniel Roberts 203 views
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Invention No.8 in F Major - J.S. Bach BWV 779 - Daniel Roberts | Pianist
Daniel Roberts 182 views
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Hymn - Great Is Thy Faithfulness, O God My Father - with words - Daniel Roberts | Organist
Daniel Roberts 197 views
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Hymn - Father Of Heaven, Whose Love Profound - with words - Daniel Roberts | Organist
Daniel Roberts 121 views
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Hymn - All For Jesus, All For Jesus - with words - Daniel Roberts | Organist
Daniel Roberts 122 views
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The Psalms of David - Sung to Plainchant of the Gregorian Tones
PlaylistDaniel Roberts 272 views
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Six Piano Sonatinas by M. Clementi Op.36
PlaylistDaniel Roberts 384 views
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Divertimento in G major by J. Haydn Hob.XVI:8
PlaylistDaniel Roberts 152 views
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Recorder from the Beginning - Book I - John Pitts
PlaylistDaniel Roberts 14K views
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Johann Christoph Bach - 44 Choräle zum Präambulieren - Daniel Roberts | Organist
PlaylistDaniel Roberts 1.4K views