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UMS Live Session: Dave Sharp Worlds Quartet
UMS1.4K views
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Trailer: Silkroad Ensemble with Rhiannon Giddens
UMS1.4K views
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UMS Live Session: Kaleigh Wilder Trio
UMS631 views
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Sing It! Spirit of Envy! at the University of Michigan
UMS100 views
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Performance Playground: A King Among Instruments
UMS20 views
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Performance Playground: Double Reeds, Double Fun
UMS63 views
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Lydia Jane Haynes sings "Che fiero costume"
UMS32K views
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Camilla Grieshel sings "Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile"
UMS4.1K views
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Sacha Langton-Gilks sings "Il mio bel foco"
UMS559 views
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Le Gateau Chocolat sings "Amarilli, mia bella"
UMS63K views
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24 Italian Songs and Arias (and Voices)
PlaylistUMS13K views
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09/10 Jazz and World Music Events
PlaylistUMS55 views