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Love Theme by Morricone, Eva León violin - Horst Sohm & Orchestra - Lloret de Mar 2023
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Mozart The Magic Flute Overture - Horst Sohm & Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Calafell 2023
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Grieg - Danza de Anitra - Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Horst Sohm
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Grieg: Morning mood - Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe conducted by Horst Sohm
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Malena by Ennio Morricone - Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe · Horst Sohm - Calafell 2023
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Sarasate - Introduction and Tarantella · Eva León violin · Live in Concert
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Viva la Vida Coldplay: Festival Chamber Orchestra Horst Sohm
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Bizet Les Toreadores - Inma González castañuelas - Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Horst Sohm
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Kreisler - Liebesfreud · Love´s Joy · Eva León, violin · Horst Sohm & Orchestra
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Kreisler - Liebesleid · Suffering of Love · Eva León violin · Festival Chamber Orchestra, Horst Sohm
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Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe conducted by Horst Sohm
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The latest music videos currently uploaded
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Concerts Fundació Climent Guitart - by the Climent Guitart Foundation
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Highlights of the music · classical & more · Horst Sohm & Orchestra · Live
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Horst Sohm & French Chamber Orchestra (Paris)
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Spanish Chamber Orchestra · Horst Sohm
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Beautiful music with Horst Sohm & Orchestra
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