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Daniel Melvin
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“Cheatin' On Me” by Harry Reser's Orchestra 1925
Daniel Melvin36 views
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Debussy: “Beau Soir” by Giuseppe de Luca 1919
Daniel Melvin129 views
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“Us On A Bus” by Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees 1936
Daniel Melvin228 views
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“Forgotten” by Theodore Webb 1929
Daniel Melvin135 views
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“At The Darktown Strutters' Ball” by Benny Goodman and his Orchestra 1946
Daniel Melvin356 views
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“After You've Gone” by Benny Goodman and his Orchestra 1946
Daniel Melvin490 views
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“Baby Your Mother” by Ford and Glenn 1927
Daniel Melvin86 views
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“Cat Duet (When The Song Of Love Is Heard)” by Ada Jones and Billy Murray 1908
Daniel Melvin179 views
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“Chlo-e” by Shilkret's Rhyth-Melodists 1928
Daniel Melvin468 views
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Late 1930s and the 1940s
PlaylistDaniel Melvin2.6K views
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Fox Trots, Jazz, and Dance Music - Electric
PlaylistDaniel Melvin7.1K views
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Opera, Operetta, Art Song, and Lieder
PlaylistDaniel Melvin1K views
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Fox Trots, Jazz, and Dance Music - Acoustic
PlaylistDaniel Melvin2.5K views
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'Tis the Season 🎄☃️🎅
PlaylistDaniel Melvin2.3K views
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My Favorite Popular and Dance Music
PlaylistDaniel Melvin844 views