Cecil Beaton (Antônio Augusto) - Time on my Hands Smith Ballew 1931
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ZELDA FITZGERALD - Antônio Augusto (Baby Oh! Where can you be? - Dorsey Brothers - 1929)
Barbara Hutton (Antônio Augusto)
F Scott Fitzgerald (antônio augusto) Young and Beautiful (Lana Del Rey) Myndset Remix
William Faulkner (Antonio Augusto) - Rihanna (Cry)
HEADS (Antônio Augusto)
LANA DEL REY - BLUE JEANS (Antonio Augusto)
LANA DEL REY - Million Dollar Man (Antonio Augusto)
Marlene Dietrich and Duke Ellington - Sophisticated Lady (Antonio Augusto)
Dorothy Parker ( Augusto Mariante) - Deep Night - Rudy Vallee - 1929
Old Tunes
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