1 Pergolesi: Miserere II in C minor - 1. Miserere mei, Deus Choir of Magdalen College, Oxford, The Wren Orchestra, Bernard Rose, and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
2 Pergolesi: Miserere II in C minor - 5. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti Choir of Magdalen College, Oxford, The Wren Orchestra, Bernard Rose, and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
3 Pergolesi: Miserere II in C minor - 3. Tibi soli peccavi Rogers Covey-Crump, The Wren Orchestra, Bernard Rose, and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
4 Pergolesi: Miserere II in C minor - 6. Apserges me hyssopo Ilse Wolf, The Wren Orchestra, Bernard Rose, and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
5 Pergolesi: Miserere II in C minor - 15. Deo Tunc acceptabis Choir of Magdalen College, Oxford, The Wren Orchestra, Bernard Rose, and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
More Archive Recordings (1960-76). The Choir of Magdalen College Oxford directed by Bernard Rose 2018
Hodie Christus - Camerata Coral Universidad de Cantabria, Albert J Alcaraz, coro, choral music corocameratacoraluc • 2.1K views