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Steuart Bedford
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Salute To Percy Grainger
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Holst: The Hymn of Jesus, Choral Symphony, The Wandering Scholar & At the Boat's Head
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Britten: Cello Symphony & Death in Venice Suite
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Britten: Cello Symphony & Death in Venice Suite
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Britten: Peter Grimes
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Twentieth Century Flute Concerti: Poulenc, Nielsen, Ibert, Honegger
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Britten : Le Prince Des Pagodes ; Symphonie Pour Violoncelle
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Britten: 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo / Holy Sonnets of J. Donne / Winter Words (English Song, Vol. 7)
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Lehmann: The Daisy Chain / Bird Songs / Four Cautionary Tales (English Song, Vol. 8)
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Britten: St. Nicolas / Christ's Nativity / Psalm 150
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If No One Ever Marries Me (1900) | Liza Lehmann
Mr. May's Music3.1K views
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🎼 CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS - Airs de Ballet d´Ascanio - [Sheet Music Scrolling]
Just Flute2.6K views
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Saint-Saëns: Romance, op.37 - Piano Accompaniment/ Acompañamiento
Piano and More2.3K views
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Heather Harper sings "Quatre chansons françaises"
kadoguy8.7K views
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サン=サーンス:アダージョとヴァリエーション Saint-Saëns Airs de Ballet D'Ascanio フルート神田勇哉
Yuya KANDA Flute1.5K views
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Saint-Saëns Romance for Flute and Piano, Op. 37 - Mimi Stillman, flute and Charles Abramovic, piano
Mimi Stillman1.8K views
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Airs de Ballet d'Ascanio by Camille Saint-Saens - performed by Kristen Stoner, flute
Kristen Stoner14K views