"The Foggy Dew": Jasper Kanachowski at The Fishery Wharf Cafe Hemel Hempstead 11.12.22
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Melissa Clarke Inisbofin August 2022
Paul Brennan & Ben Gunnery: Jigs for Brendan
Gay McKeon Plays a Slow Air on Uilleann Pipes
"The Strabane Hiring Fair": Paul Brennan Band@ Brendan McGlinchey Memorial Concert
Ben Gunnery/ Paul Brennan Hornpipe
'Here's A Health to the Company', Paul Brennan Band @ the Brendan McGlinchey Memorial Concert
Paul Brennan: The Bonny Bunch of Roses @ the Brendan McGlinchey Memorial Concert
Aisling Murphy R.I.P.
Irish Music with Gerry Gorman and Darren Maloney in the 'Bent Elbow' Drumlish, Co. Longford